Visit these organisations to get ideas, recipes and support to change for a more compassionate diet.
Voici deux associations à visiter pour des idées , du soutien, des recettes envers un régime libre de cruauté.
Creature Kind
Christian Vegetarian Association

Christians would need to choose eating healthy without killing innocents creatures. Christianity teaches Love and Compassion. Let’s extend these two attitudes towards all the animals. Animals who we want them killed, to have them in our tables, in our plates, in our stomachs. There is no more place for excuses, no more time to continue justifying eating animals and defending the idea that all animals are here for our use. The reason given is that meat tastes so good and that we are so much used to eating meals with meat it is hard to change. So our excuses are reduced to custom, pleasure which means absence of vital needs. Christians should be the first ones to start acting towards a more peaceful earth. May this lent be an opportunity for a change and a conversion in our way of seeing non human animals.