L’Info-FRA de MAI 2021 est sortie

, par Pierre

Une newsletter deux fois par an pour être tenu informé des actualités sur la relation entre les Église et les animaux.

Dear friends,

On behalf of the FRA, I am pleased to share with you news of our recent activities, including information on conferences, articles, a course for churches, new film releases, and books.

The FRA reiterates its commitment to act on behalf of animals and represent them in the Christian sphere. The exploitation and slaughter of animals is also a pressing issue. I say "too" to avoid the misunderstanding that caring about animals precludes caring about humans. The FRA agrees with those who see humans, other species, and the natural environment as interconnected. In this view, the notion of "everything is connected" also becomes a "we are all connected." If we destroy or neglect any of these groups, whether it be animals, humanity, or the environment, we harm all three. The article Not "one OR the other" but "AND" (below) reflects on this "false" competition between concern for animals VS concern for humans and proposes other approaches.

If at present the Catholic Church, in its ecological reflection, is caught between two positions, on the one hand, radical anthropocentrism, and on the other, radical biocentrism (excluding any specific role for human beings) ; this cannot be, in my opinion, a reason for delaying a serious reflection on the animal question in connection with the Christian faith. When I learned of the number of animals killed per year globally, it was difficult for me to mentally conceive such numbers.

It is estimated that 77 billion land animals are killed each year to be eaten, which is 10 times the human population. This constant is already overwhelming and challenging to digest, but that’s not all. In addition to this, more than 2 trillion fish are taken from the sea every year. This figure does not include the 120 billion fish killed in fish farms. Shouldn’t this be an urgent Christian concern ? Is it not necessary to reflect on this massacre of animals, creatures of God ?

This massive destruction of God’s creatures will continue as long as we do not question the systems responsible for destroying life and our participation in it. These are the intensive industrial systems of production that sacrifice the natural environment and the lives of humans and animals in the name of profit. The goal of these systems is only to produce more, cheaper, to earn more. As an example, among others, the fishing industry clearly illustrates this system ( Seaspiracy). In addition to the billions of fish killed and the pollution it generates, this industry empties the oceans and prevents coastal communities from feeding themselves. And always to be more profitable, this industry is even capable of forced labor and slavery. How can we still accept this today ?
Whether we are environmentalists, human rights activists, or animal protectors, we can unite against these injustices and oppressive systems. Beyond our differences, we can have a common cause, that of fighting against these deadly structures. We could focus our efforts and thoughts on finding ways to transition to a more just, peaceful, and habitable world for all.



Au sommaire :


  • Les animaux ont-ils leur place dans l’Église ? -
    Samedi 29 mai 2021 à Paris ou en distanciel
  • « Épiphanies végétariennes. De la prise de conscience à la transition alimentaire »


  • Cours Creaturekind pour les églises


  • Des Théologiens catholiques au secours des éléphants
  • Un article sur le blog de CreatureKind
  • Le père Robert Culat sur Radio Grand Ciel


  • 4 films à découvrir


  • La VIE
  • RCF
  • Radio Parole d’animaux


  • Des articles de Richard Chartier et David Clough


  • 3 ouvrages à découvrir