Climate Crisis and Creation Care - Vol 1
Historical Perspectives, Ecological Integrity and Justice
Edited by Christina Nellist
Illustration cover : Estela Torres
This volume considers the interconnectedness of all creatures in relation to our planetary boundaries. Through our constant consumption of resources, we have had a distinctly negative impact on the world around us—affecting everything from the weather, food availability, sea levels, and the social fabric of our society.
This book explores how we arrived at such an unstable world and offers ecological, theological, and economically sustainable solutions to a global crisis.
Climate Crisis and Sustainable Creaturely Care - Vol 2
Integrated Theology, Governance and Justice
Edited by Christina Nellist
This volume encapsulates the thoughts and research of academics across the globe in regards to the biggest crisis of our generation : climate change. Considering this global crisis through the lens of creation care, this volume reviews the damage we have done to our environment and how our misuse of resources threatens all forms of life on earth via food insecurity, rising sea levels, mass migration, and social unrest.
This book presents a global voice on our historical impact on the world, the governance that allowed it, and how creation care can present a way out of this crisis.
ISBN 978-1-5275-7421-2 Hardback 440pp £67.99UK - $99.95 US
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Dr. Christina Nellist is an Eastern Orthodox Theologian, Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, and Educational Consultant in the sciences and special education. Her publications include Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Animal Suffering : Ancient Voices in Modern Theology, and she is editor and co-founder of the charity Pan-Orthodox Concern for Animals and a Board Member of the Animal Interfaith Alliance.
Édition RN
Entre autres textes, celui de Corine Pelluchon "La cause animale, un enjeu civilisationnel"
p. 74-83

Présentation de la revue :
Nous sommes entrés dans une ère de grandes convulsions. Les crises se multiplient autour de nous, qu’elles soient politiques ou institutionnelles, industrielles ou financières, écologiques ou sociales, identitaires ou religieuses. Partout, on s’inquiète pour l’avenir. Nos aïeux attendaient des lendemains qui chantent ; mais le présent ne cesse de déchanter.
Le mot krisis, en grec antique, signifiait à la fois le problème et la solution. La crise désigne un moment de rupture : le monde ancien meurt, pendant qu’un nouveau cherche à naître. Nous sommes entrés dans une de ces époques. Les cinquante dernières années ont charrié avec elles davantage de bouleversements que tous les siècles précédents. Mondialisation, numérisation, ubérisation ; essor inédit des réseaux virtuels et de l’interconnexion ; bientôt transhumanisme, robotique et cybernétique. Tous les repèrent se mettent à vaciller.
Face aux angoisses, aux fractures et aux crispations, l’heure est plus que jamais venue de renouer avec un sens libre du débat. Des intellectuels issus de tous les champs disciplinaires ont accepté de répondre aux interrogations de notre temps. Ils sont sociologues, historiens, philosophes ou économistes. Loin d’être d’accord sur tout, ils partagent cependant un même souci de notre destinée collective. Les pistes qu’ils dessinent contribueront à nourrir les réflexions politiques de ces prochaines années.
The School of Compassion,
a Roman Catholic theology of animals
2009, Gracewing ISBN 9780852447314.

In The School of Compassion, Deborah M. Jones engages with the Catholic Church’s contemporary attitude towards animals. This is the fullest sustained study of the subject in that faith tradition. It begins by exploring the history of the Church’s ideas about animals. These were drawn largely from significant readings of Old and New Testament passages and inherited elements of classical philosophies. Themes emerge, such as the renewal of creation in the apocryphal legends, in the Desert Fathers, and in Celtic monasticism. The spirituality of St Francis of Assisi, the legal status of animals, and the liturgies of the Eastern Catholic Churches also shed light on the Church’s thinking. The British Catholic tradition - which is relatively favorable to animals - is considered in some detail. The second part of the book provides a forensic examination of the four paragraphs in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which relate particularly to animals. Finally, major contemporary issues are raised - stewardship, anthropocentrism, and gender - as well as key ethical theories. The revisits some teachings of Aquinas, and explores doctrinal teachings such as that of human beings created in the ’image of God’, and, with a nod to the Orthodox Tradition, as the ’priests of creation’. This help forms a consistent and authentically Catholic theology that can be viewed as a school of compassion towards animals. The joy of this book is that it helps Catholic Christians to re-engage with the issue of animals by utilizing the riches from within their own tradition....And what Dr. Deborah Jones has discovered is a remarkably more complex, infinitely richer, and considerably more animal-friendly Catholic tradition than might be supposed by the usual caricatures. This book is the fullest systematic treatment of the moral status of animals within the Roman Catholic tradition. It is the result of painstaking scholarship, wide reading, and, most of all, insightful theological exploration. It builds on the work of others, like myself, and provides a stream of fresh perspectives on our lives with God’s other creatures. It is a deeply Catholic work, and I pray that it strikes a deep chord within the Catholic community here and overseas. Revd Professor Andrew Linzey Deborah M Jones is general secretary of the international organization Catholic Concern for Animals and a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, with a doctorate in animal theology. She has also worked as editor of the Catholic Herald, deputy editor of Priests & People, as a writer and lecturer, and diocesan adviser for adult religious education.